The marking system.
You will be marked on the 10 items on the syllabus. Each item will be awarded up to 10 points. However, you may make up any shortfall on any of the other items. A third of your marks (Attendance, Character and fitness are achieved before the actual Grading). All 10 items (10 marks each are possible) will be added to give your final mark.

100 marks are possible. Marks above 90 indicate an excellent performance at the very highest level and are quite rare.
Marks above 80 indicate a very good achievement that you should be very proud of.
Marks above 70 indicate an average pass.
75 marks is still a good mark and indicates above average performance.
Marks below 70 indicate a fail. However, Marks between 65 and 70 are considered border line and may go either way.
Marks below 65 are a fail. If you fail and then give up your training. We as instructors will be confident we made the right decision.

The Chief Instructor has failed gradings - this is the poorest reason of all to stop your training. Carry on and improve. Try again at the next grade you may even jump a grade, if you are good enough. That is the way forward. If you pass do not behave in a conceited manner. Remember the Dojo Khun (Character, Sincerity, Effort, Etiquette, Self Control).



If you perform any technique shown here in class or in public, you do so at your own risk.
We assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of the information provided which results in injury or loss.
Copyright: Tom Hill 2012  All rights reserved.
UPDATED 1st  AUG 2020


The gold stripes on a Dan Grades belts each represent the Dan Grade level and require five years of regular training between each dan grade.

See Tom's essay on the current system of Grading in this country.

The purpose of GRADING is simple.
Up to (Shodan) Black Belt - To progress via stages (The belt system) to a point where you are able to demonstrate proficiency and teach your subject, safely and effectively to a high standard.

At we pride ourselves on our fitness as well as self defence. To maintain our basic fitness requirement, each student, regardless of grade, must be able to complete their required fitness level and will be tested at least twice a year.

Some points on Grading at the Karate Club.
Arrive in plenty of time - at least 20 - 30 mins before the time of the Grading. Make sure you are well presented - with a clean Gi (uniform). Smelling of alcohol (even from the night before) will result in rejection Full attention, etiquette and discipline are required during the grade and a sloppy approach will be penalised.

IMPORTANT: Do a full body warm-up and stretch in your own time about 15 mins before the allocated time. You will be expected to be ready to start. Do not over exert yourself before the grading as you will need all your energy during the grade. Do not strain or over exert yourself during the grade. Have good control during the grade - poor control could result in a failure. Do not stroll or walk slowly during the grade. Get to your position 'at the double'. Try to calm your nerves by some meditation during the waiting period, before you start. Frantic practice is a little late at this point. Remember to Bow at the appropriate times and to show good spirit and determination. Good 'Ki ai' (Spirit Shout) at the right time gives the instructors an indication of your power, spirit, focus and determination.

Generally, at least three Senior Instructors (3rd Dan and above) will judge your performance. Each will mark you fully and independently. The marks will then be averaged to give your final score. We believe this is very fair and avoids personal favoritism. If you pass your grade obtain your new belt as soon as possible, preferably before the next session. Make sure you attend the next sessions.

What message does it
give your instructor(s)
if you grade and then are
not seen to be training
as hard and frequently
as possible?

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